Where to get official Kali Linux images ISO Files for Intel-based PCs: In order to run Kali “Live” from a USB drive on standard Windows and Apple PCs, you’ll need a Kali Linux bootable ISO image , in either 32-bit or 64-bit format. If you’re not sure of the architecture of the system you want to run Kali on, on Linux or macOS, you can run the command uname -m at the command line. If you get the response, “x86_64”, use the 64-bit ISO image (the one containing “amd64” in the file name); if you get “i386”, use the 32-bit image (the one containing “i386” in the file name). If you’re on a Windows system, the procedure for determining whether your architecture is detailed on Microsoft’s website . The Kali Linux images are available both as directly downloadable “.iso/.img” files or via “.torrent” files. 👉 Official Kali ISOs for Intel-based PCs Building your own Kali Linux ISO, standard or customized, is a very simple process . Virtual Machines ...