Kali's Default Credentials

 Kali's Default Credentials:

Kali changed to a non-root user policy by default since the release of 2020.1.

This means:

During the installation of amd64 and i386 images, it will prompt you for a standard user account to be created.

Any default operating system credentials used during Live Boot, or pre-created image (like Virtual Machines & ARM) will be:

User: kali

Password: kali

Vagrant image (based on their policy):

Username: vagrant

Password: vagrant

Amazon EC2:

User: kali

Password: <ssh key>

Default Tool Credentials

Some tools shipped with Kali, will use their own default hardcoded credentials (others will generate a new password the first time its used). The following tools have the default values:


Username: beef

Password: beef

Configuration File: /etc/beef-xss/config.yaml


User: root

Password: (blank)

Setup Program: mysql_secure_installation


Username: admin

Password: <Generated during setup>

Setup Program: openvas-setup


Username: postgres

Password: postgres

Configuration File: /usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml


Username: empireadmin

Password: password123


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